quarkx.msgbox("Please note, this is not always 100% accurate and will duplicate\nexisting entities and possibly miss some out.\n\nYou may need to handedit the .qrk file. For help with this,\nfeel free to ask questions at the QuArK forum:\n\nhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/quark/messages\n", quarkpy.qutils.MT_INFORMATION, quarkpy.qutils.MB_OK)
quarkx.msgbox("The .FGD file have now almost been converted to QuArK format.\n\nWhat remains is to save it as a 'Structured text for hand-editing (*.qrk)' file, then using a text-editor do a Search-Replace of \"!\" with !\nE.g. replacing a double-quoted exclamation mark, with just a exclamation mark.\n\nIf you encounter any problems using this 'Convert from Worldcraft .FGD file' utility, please post a mail in the QuArK-forum.", quarkpy.qutils.MT_INFORMATION, quarkpy.qutils.MB_OK)